Read the full MSP briefing about Rosebank and the need to phase out North Sea oil and gas
Rosebank has been ruled unlawful and the oil field’s approval has been overturned.
Have your say in the UK’s oil & gas decision: no new drilling
The government has paused approving new fields while it examines how to regulate new drilling - and it is asking us, the public, what we think should happen. Now is the critical moment to demand the decisive action we urgently need to tackle catastrophic climate change.
Frankie Boyle, Joe Lycett, Naomi Klein and more lend support to legal case against Rosebank oil field
An eclectic mix of celebrities, athletes, musicians, authors and climate leaders will take the case against the Rosebank oil field in their name.
Doctors, farmers, bishops and academics join 250+ signatories sign open letter calling on PM to #StopRosebank
Together, we represent the campaign to Stop Rosebank which has brought together over 150,000 supporters and mobilised thousands of activists to push back against the disastrous decision taken by the previous government to approve Equinor’s climate-wrecking Rosebank oil field.
It's official: We're going to court on 12th November
Today our legal challenges against the Rosebank oil field were officially given the green light to go to the Scottish courts the 12th November. We were very confident that the permission would come, but now it is certain: Rosebank’s approval will be legally challenged.
#StopRosebank MP and MSP Pledge
The #StopRosebank MP and MSP pledge is a tool for MPs and MSPs to publicly show their opposition to the Rosebank oil field and support for a just transition.
UK government admits decision to approve Rosebank was unlawful
A massive step towards stopping this climate wrecking oil field for good - the UK government announced that it will not defend the last government’s decision to approve the Rosebank oil field in our court case. This is a massive win for everyone fighting to stop Rosebank and for a liveable future.