October 2, 2024

Doctors, farmers, bishops and academics join 250+ signatories sign open letter calling on PM to #StopRosebank

The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street

30th September 2024

Dear Prime Minister,

Re: Doctors, farmers, bishops and academics join 250+ signatories urging you to put a stop to the controversial Rosebank oil field

We are writing to you on behalf of the movement which champions a move away from oil and gas production in the UK in favour of a fair and fast transition to renewable energy. From leading membership organisations to local groups covering all four nations, we are a vast network united in a positive vision of a just and fair renewable energy system, free from fossil fuels.

Together, we represent the campaign to Stop Rosebank which has brought together over 150,000 supporters and mobilised thousands of activists to push back against the disastrous decision taken by the previous government to approve Equinor’s climate-wrecking Rosebank oil field.

We welcome the government's agreement that the approval of Rosebank in 2023 was unlawful, recognising that the full extent of its climate impacts should have been taken into account. We also welcome the positive commitments made in Labour’s manifesto to “not issue new licences to explore new fields because they will not take a penny off bills, cannot make us energy secure, and will only accelerate the worsening climate crisis," and recent government announcements reinforcing this commitment. We further welcome the government’s intention to support oil and gas workers in the transition and look forward to celebrating the implementation of these commitments. Having campaigned under a government that had previously vowed to “max out North Sea oil and gas”, we share a sense of optimism that the future of energy production, and energy consumption, in this country is set to change under a new government.

The potential development of the Rosebank oil field has been seen by many as a litmus test for the previous government’s attitudes towards action to mitigate carbon emissions. It has commanded significant media and political attention since the campaign to stop Rosebank launched in 2022 with 64 mentions in parliament and frequent, prominent discourse about the field in national and international press. When Rosebank was approved in September 2023, thousands took to the streets in 40 protests across the UK, and the field has been publicly opposed by 700 scientists and experts, 200 organisations and celebrities, trade union leaders, 400 faith leaders, 40 MEPs and MPs from every major political party.

Rosebank is a case study for the urgency for oil and gas phase out:

People in the UK have voted for change, not more of the same rip off energy system where oil and gas companies walk off with massive profits, leaving us with higher bills, declining jobs and a worsening climate crisis. 

The science is unequivocal about what will happen if we do not stop burning fossil fuels, and with a change in leadership, the UK now has every opportunity to act in the interests of a liveable future for the people of this country and the rest of the world. We applaud your decision to stop new licences, and now we ask that you continue taking real action on climate change:

We look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely,

Individual signatories

1. Rowan Williams, Former Archbishop of Canterbury

2. Rt Revd Anne Hollinghurst, Bishop of Aston

3. Rt Revd Roger Morris, Bishop of Colchester

4. Rt Rev Sophie Jelley, Bishop of Doncaster

5. Rt Revd Canon Dr Anderson Jeremiah, Bishop of Edmonton

6. Rt Revd Canon Dr Jonathan Martin Gainsborough, Bishop of Kingston

7. Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox, Bishop of Sheffield

8. Rt Revd Ian Paton, Bishop of St Andrews

9. Giles Goddard, Vicar, St John's Waterloo

10. Columba Timmins, Environmental lead, Hallam Diocese

11. Deborah Rowlands, Clerk, Quakers South Wales

12. Gillian Cummins, Music Teacher, The Iona Community

13. Dr Christoffer van Tulleken, NHS Doctor, Food systems academic, UCL

14. Dr Martha Kenyon, Clinical Psychologist, Bristol Children's Hospital

15. Dr Joanne Breckenridge, Consultant Anaesthetist, NHS Lanarkshire

16. Samantha Holmes, Clinical Fellow, NHS

17. Sophie Littlejohns, Psychotherapist, Collaborative Counselling Academy

18. Anne Barnes, Retired Specialist, NHS

19. Julie White, GP, Norfolk Medical Practice

20. Katharine Pelton, Research Engagement Nurse, Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Research Network

21. Candida Lewis, GP, Mid Sussex Health Care

22. Dr Abigail Fry, Senior GP partner, Mile Oak Medical Centre

23. Margaret Jackson, GP Educator, Health Education England

24. Etienne Stott MBE, Olympic gold medalist, London 2012

25. Dr Chris Evans, Professor, University of Roehampton

26. Prof Angela Alexander, Professor Emerita, University of Reading

27. Peter Somerville, Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, University of Lincoln

28. Rob French, Former President, University of Sussex UCU

29. Linda Morris, Retired Principal Geologist, Laudato Si Animator UK

30. Martin Jarvis, Laudato Si Animator UK

Civil society groups and other bodies

31. Dr Halima Begum, CEO, Oxfam GB

32. Areeba Hamid, Co-Executive Director, Greenpeace UK

33. Isabella O’Dowd, Head of Climate, WWF UK

34. Dan Paskins, Executive Director, Save the Children

35. Chris Venables, Director of politics, Green Alliance

36. Helen Browning, Chief Executive, The Soil Association

37. Caroline Rance, Fossil Fuel Transition Manager, Friends of the Earth Scotland

38. Rosie Downes, Head of Campaigns, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and NI

39. Neil Thorns, Director of Advocacy, CAFOD

40. Helen Meech, Executive Director, The Climate Coalition

41. Catherine Pettengell, Executive Director, Climate Action Network UK

42. Hugo Tagholm, Executive Director, Oceana UK

43. Claire Larkin, Director, Parents For Future, Scotland

44. Charlotte Howell-Jones, Co-Director, Parents for Future, UK

45. Ed Matthew, Campaigns Director, E3G

46. Nick Dearden, Director, Global Justice Now

47. Steve North, President, UNISON

48. Nicolò Wojewoda, Europe Regional Director, 350.org

49. Tessa Khan, Founder and Executive Director, Uplift

50. Ruth London, Director, Fuel Poverty Action

51. Richard Benwell, CEO, Wildlife & Countryside Link

52. Alice Harrison, Head of Fossil Fuels, Global Witness

53. Frode Pleym, Director, Greenpeace Norway

54. Karoline Andaur, CEO, WWF Norway

55. Lauren MacDonald, Campaign Lead, Stop Rosebank

56. Mel Kee, Head of Campaigns, Green New Deal Rising

57. Elizabeth Bast, Executive Director, Oil Change International

58. Miranda Irwin, Extinction Rebellion

59. Roc Sandford, Director, Ocean Rebellion

60. Patrick Brown, Campaigns & Operations Director, Equal Right

61. Emma River-Roberts, Director, The Working Class Climate Alliance

62. Maya Mailer, Co-founder, Mothers Rise Up

63. Suzanne Jeffery, Chair, Campaign against Climate Change

64. Louise Hazan, Co-Director, Tipping Point UK

65. Frances Fox, Founder & UK Director, Climate Live

66. Ruby Earle, Just Transition Campaigns Lead, Platform

67. Dr Malcolm White, Clean Air Specialist, Global Action Plan

68. Finlay Asher, Co-founder, Safe Landing

69. Henna Cheema, Co-Director, Biofuelwatch

70. Carol Mills, Editor, Eastbourne Solidarity

71. Elizabeth Anderson, Director, What a Wonderful World Trust

72. Jessica Gottsleben, Executive Director and Founder, Cyber x Climate

73. Max Wakefield, Co-director, Possible

74. Michael Kakande , Founder & Chairperson, Resilient40

75. Angus O'Brien, National Coordinator, Climate Justice Coalition

76. Gosia Rychlik, Europe Branch Manager, The Climate Reality Project Europe

77. Simon Taylor, Co-Founder & Director, Hawkmoth

78. Stephen Wood, Coordinator, Tools For Solidarity

79. Veronica Wignall, Co -Director, Adfree Cities

80. Stephanie Brancaforte, Executive Director, Rinascimento Green

81. Steven Vanholme, Programme manager, EKOenergy ecolabel

82. Frances Guy, CEO, Scotland's International Development Alliance

83. Mike Nickerson, Executive Director, Seventh Generation Initiative

84. Aileen McLeod, Director, Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland

85. Michael Barkley, Co-Chair, Climate Action for Lifelong Learners

86. Fran Boait, Co-executive Director, Positive Money

87. Jill Kent, Chair, Justice and Peace Scotland

88. Merry Dickinson, Lead Campaigner, Stop Burning Trees Coalition

89. Shivali Fifield, Chief Officer, Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland

90. David Phillips, Executive Director, International Marine Mammal Project of Earth Island Institute

91. Thomas Meinert Larsen, Spokesperson, 350 Climate Movement of Denmark

92. Lobby Watchdog, Corporate Europe Observatory

93. Sam Ward, Head of Climate Cymru, Climate Cymru

94. Kjell Kühne, Director, Leave it in the Ground Initiative

95. Moses Amagbor Johnson, CEO, Baruch Initiative for Transformation

96. Vicky Moller, Director, GRWP Resilience

97. Anna Krajinska, UK Director, Transport & Environment UK

98. David Starley, Director, The Green Runners CIC

99. Rhian Corcoran, Centre Manager, The Environment Centre

100. Emma Knight, Vice-Chair, FAN Community Alliance

101. Margaret Minhinnick, Director, Sustainable Wales

102. Lauren MacCallum, CEO, Protect Our Winters UK

103. Fiona McOwan, Secretary, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

104. Ellie Wyatt, Founder, Eco Action Families

105. Duncan Pruett, Executive Director, Recourse

106. Hayley Morgan, Chief Executive, Welsh Centre for International Affairs

107. Giselle Munno, Lawyer, Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Argentina

108. Robert Sage, Director, The Bottega Project CIC

109. Maya Golden-Krasnerm, Climate Institute, Dep. Director, Center for Biological Diversity

110. Sarah Rees, Chair, Stop Climate Chaos Cymru

111. Mike Robinson, Chair, Stop Climate Chaos, Scotland

112. Suzanne Iuppa, Director, The Coproduction Network for Wales

113. Sujatha Thaladi, Director, The Mentor Ring

114. David Thorpe, Director, The One Planet Centre

115. Stephen Jenkins, Director, Tir Natur

116. Vilma Havas, Board member, Nordic Ocean Watch

117. Kate Metcalf, Co-Director, Women's Environmental Network

118. Susan Cueva, Trustee, Southeast and East Asian Women's Association

119. Asad Rehman, Executive Director, War on Want

120. Mamta Borgoyary, Executive Director, SHE Changes Climate

121. Terry Lowman , Chair, Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community

122. Hannah Garcia, Director, Green Squirrel CIC

123. Dr Stuart Parkinson, Executive Director, Scientists for Global Responsibility

124. Claire Larkin, Director, Parents For Future Scotland

125. Alena Ivanova, Campaigns Director, Another Europe is Possible

126. Satwat Rehman, CEO, One Parent Families Scotland

127. David Hillman, Director, Stamp Out Poverty

128. Oliver Sidorczuk, Co-Director, Zero Hour

129. Mel Kee, Head of Campaigns, Green New Deal Rising

130. Neal Lawson, Executive Director, Compass

131. Will Attenborough, Climate Finance Strategist, Coal Action Network

132. Shivali Fifield, Chief Officer, Environmental Rights Centre for Scotland

133. Andrew Simms, Director, New Weather Institute

134. Jill Kent, Chair, Justice and Peace Scotland

135. Crissie Amiss, Project coordinator, Global Women Against Deportations

136. Jamie Agombar, Executive Director, SOS-UK

137. Alessandra Badino, Director, Blue Futures Studio

138. Rachel Hamada, Director, Take One Action Film Festivals

139. William Kinchin, Founder & Creative Director, Will Works

140. Heather Smith, Communications Director, 99% Organisation

141. Conor Curtis, Head of Communications, Sierra Club Canada

142. Mystaya Brémaud, Campaign Organiser, Teach the Future

143. John Woodhouse, Co-ordinator, Laudato Si’ Animators UK

144. George Dow, Chair, Green Christian

145. Julie Forchhammer, Co-founder, Klimakultur

146. Andrew Kroglund, Director, Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon

147. Linda Rundquist Parr, Head of Board, Grandparents Climate Campaign Norway

148. Gytis Blaževičius, Leader, Natur og Ungdom

149. Audun Hammer Hovda, Leader, Socialist Youth

150. Marte Wulff, Founder, Spillerommet

151. Mark Francis, Local Groups Coordinator, Christian Climate Action

152. Revd Dr Darrell D Hannah, Chair, Operation Noah

153. Val Brown, Director, Christian Aid Scotland

154. Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director, GreenFaith

155. Shanon Shah, Director, Faith for the Climate

156. Thea Ormerod, President, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change

157. Dr Kang-San Tan, General Director, BMS World Mission

158. Ben Wilson, Director of Public Engagement, Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

159. Elaine Mulcahy, Director, UK Health Alliance on Climate Change

160. Marian Pallister, Chair, Pax Christi Scotland

161. Jane Harries, Co-Clerk, Quakers in Wales

162. Ruth Harding, Clerk, Cardiff Quakers

163. Rev Chris Hughes, Chair of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocesan Environmental

164. Robin Wells, Director, Fossil Free London

165. Anne Maclachlan, Treasurer, Climate Collective Oxford

166. North Sea Knitters

167. Chayley Collis, Campaign founder, Fossil Free West Yorkshire

168. Sonny Khan, Analyst, Net Zero South Wales

169. Prof John B Hunt, EDI Champion, Bannau Brycheiniog National Park

170. Dr K Fallon, Founder, Winsford Sustainability Partners

171. Caroline Townsend, Chair, Abingdon Carbon Cutters

172. Director, Steering Group, One Planet Abingdon Climate Emergency Centre

173. Lucy McQuillan, Director, Aberystwyth Nature Connection

174. Gabriel Davalos, Co-founder, Divest Hackney

175. Brian Heddwch, Director, Awel Amen Tawe

176. Jim Bowen, Director, Clynfyw Care Farm

177. Grant Peisley, Director, Datblygiadau Egni Gwledig

178. Dan McCallum, Director, Egni Cooperative

179. Ken Little, Chair, Pontypridd Land Society

180. Anne Miller, Chair, Carbon Neutral Cambridge

181. Tania Willis, Chair, Greener Berwick

182. Chris Pointon, Programme Lead, Cambridgeshire Climate Emergency

183. Zee-Zee Heine, Chair, Hope Valley Climate Action

184. Nicola Terry, Secretary, Transition Cambridge

185. Freya Aitchison, Co-Chair, Time for Change Argyll & Bute

186. Gill Westcott, Director, New Prosperity Devon

187. Luke Henderson, Coordinator, Edinburgh Climate Coalition

188. Tamasin Rhymes, Network Chair, Greener Greenwich Community Network

189. George Dow, Chair, Green Christian

190. Kathy Fallon, Co-ordinator, Health for Extinction Rebellion

191. TJ Chuah, Co-Director, Medact

192. Cllr Dr Pete Sudbury, Deputy Leader, Climate & Environment, Oxfordshire County Council

193. Adri Hartveld, CEO, Healus Technology

194. Councillor Arnold Warneken, County Councillor, Yorkshire and Humber Green Party

195. Sarah Waite-Gleave, Coordinator, Dover and Deal Green Party

196. Sam Lee, Artistic Director, Singing With Nightingales

197. Callum Grieve, Co-founder, Campaign Collective

198. Lesli Tunbridge, Councillor, Glemsford Parish Council

199. Chloe Naldret, Coordinator, XR Bristol Families

200. Phillipa Gibson, Coordinator, XR Cardigan

201. Raeeka Yassaie, Organiser, XR Dacorum

202. David Tarn, Coordinator, XR Chesam

203. Jean-Pierre Ibucwa-Lipanda, Executive Director, Traffed, Democratic Republic of Congo

204. Virginia Bell, Coordinator, Catholic Action for Animals

205. Our Common Home Group

206. Wisdom De Costa, Director, A Star Accounting Services Ltd

207. Kaveh Kamooneh, COO, Better Solar Tomorrow Inc

208. Henry Collin, Director, Collin Consulting Ltd

209. Paul MacLean, President, EEM Impact Ltd

210. Julian Goode, Owner, Goode Walks

211. Ed Smith, Owner, Here Now Films

212. Padraic Boocock, CEO, KCC Services Ltd

213. Jessica Mann, Director, Miller Research Ltd

214. Chloe Masefield, Director, Natural Weigh - Zero Waste Shop

215. Sarah Charsley, Environment and Sustainability Advisor, Omexom

216. Rob Gardiner, Keep our NHS Public

217. Jules Wagstaff, Director, Climate and Community

218. Elizabeth Price, Coordinator, Extinction Rebellion Sheffield

219. Ru Hartwell, Founder, Climate Shop

220. Nicholas Robson, Chair, Cockermouth Climate Action Now

221. Grace Slater, Chair, Croydon Extinction Rebellion

222. Extinction Rebellion Families

223. Nicky Crosby, Coordinator, Extinction Rebellion Merseyside

224. Maren Hobein, Coordinator, Extinction Rebellion Waltham Forest

225. Jim Bowen, Director, Ffynnone Community Resilience

226. Hayley Richards, Coordinator, Friends of the Earth Pontypridd

227. Jane Thewlis, Member, Glocal Justice Bradford

228. Charlotte Smith, Chair, Greater Manchester Climate Justice Coalition

229. Linda Bacon, Coordinator, Greenpeace Merseyside

230. Grant Peisley, Director, Gwyrddni

231. Mike Eccles, CEO, Hay Public Library

232. Liverpool Friends of the Earth

233. Demi Taylor, Director, London Surf Film Festival

234. LSE Divest

235. Fiona Prior, CEO, Machard and Cree Valley Climate Action Network

236. Daniel Scharf, Director, One Planet Abingdon Climate Emergency Centre

237. Chris Church, Chair, Oxford Friends of the Earth

238. Susan O’Leary, Lead Coordinator, Parents for Future West London

239. Emma Dennett, Co-ordinator, Parents for Future Brighton

240. Tessa Lovell, Parents for Future Ceredigion

241. Joanne Moore, Group Coordinator, Parents for Future East London

242. Parents For Future Herts & Bucks

243. Catherine Percival, Local Coordinator, Parents for Future North Tyneside

244. Laura Kammonen, Coordinator, Parents for Future Cambridge and Ely

245. Lucie Brown, Parents for Future Stroud Co-Coordinator, Parents for Future Stroud

246. Eva Gallova, People’s Health Movement Scotland

247. Martha Camacho Rodriguez, Director, Social Eco Education

248. Julia Church, Parish Clerk, The Climate Party

249. Youth for Green Nature

250. Alan Munro, Founder & Director, Young Sea Changers Scotland

251. Jessica Townsend, Campaign Lead, MP Watch