Want to see what your MP's current position is on new oil & gas? Check out our MP tracker.
Take 2 minutes to use our email tool to ask your MP or MSP to sign the pledge to #StopRosebank. There is a template email, but it will be even more powerful if you can personalise it, especially describing the impacts of the climate crisis and fuel poverty in your local area.
Live in Scotland? Email your MSPs here.
Click on the tweet and it will take you to your twitter page.
You can also draft your own tweets. Find some sample tweets here.
Calling your MP or MSP is not as scary as you think. Have a read of the MP calling guide below for what to expect on the call, sample script, and other top tips.
Type your postcode in the form above to find your MP's phone number. Once you've made a call, make sure to click the Call Made button so we can keep track of how many calls we've made together.