3rd - 9th March 2025
To make this happen, we need to make sure that every MP and MSP hears from their constituents that for a safe climate and affordable energy, we must stop Rosebank and stop all new oil & gas now.
Never met your MP/MSP before? Even better! We’ll give you everything you need to make to make a difference.
Take 3 minutes to send an MP invite or an MSP invite with our email tools. MPs and MSPs also generally hold constituency surgeries where you can book a slot.
Once you've got a meeting, add it to the map above
Couldn’t get a meeting? You can still write to your MP/MSP.
This usually takes 10-15 minutes. We’ll provide you all you need to make meeting your MP/MSP easy and straightforward, including a step by step guide. But simply showing up and telling them your concerns makes a big difference. You can also order or print some briefings or a pledge card to give to them.
We’d love to know how it went and help amplify what they said - tell us here for MPs and here for MSPs